Why You Don't Have the Ease & Grace You Desire (& how to get it)

Do you wanna know the truth? If you don't, do not read this. I only know how to tell the truth.

The real reason you don't have a balanced life filled with ease and grace is because part of you doesn't feel worthy and deserving of it.

I know that sounds harsh BUT here’s the beauty in this….

You have the power to change your life. YOU and ONLY YOU.

So let's talk about where this lack of worthiness may have come from.

Maybe a story that your parents had about themselves or about you. Maybe it was a teacher or a coach or a family member. Maybe a shameful experience you had growing up that you decided you weren't worthy of happiness or the things you desire. Those stories weren't necessarily true but they served you at one point. They protected you. And now, they no longer do.

Because as you chose to embrace those stories, chaos, self-sabotage and disappointment became your normal. The struggle became what you expected and eventually it even felt comfortable. It’s...

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Do You Place Your Self-Worth On Your Productivity?

productivity self-worth Dec 19, 2017

 I do….well I did. I'm working on releasing that belief. But I see it all the time. We run around with over-packed schedules, over committing ourselves then stressing out from overwhelm.

Then that overwhelm seeps out as yelling at our kids, disconnecting from our husbands and the martyrdom mindset that follows as we push, push, push ourselves to meet all of our unnecessary commitments.


Why do we think we need to constantly be busy? Because we tend to value ourselves more when we are productive. Our society praises this and therefore many of us attach our worthiness to how many things we check off our to-do lists in a day.

I’ve been totally guilty of this. In fact, there were many years when I would stop at nothing to get shit done - even if it meant ignoring my kids. It felt like everyone was in my way. I just wanted them all to leave me alone and let me do what I needed to do. I was angry and resentful.  

What I discovered was that I was not making time...

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