Why You Don't Have the Ease & Grace You Desire (& how to get it)

Do you wanna know the truth? If you don't, do not read this. I only know how to tell the truth.

The real reason you don't have a balanced life filled with ease and grace is because part of you doesn't feel worthy and deserving of it.

I know that sounds harsh BUT here’s the beauty in this….

You have the power to change your life. YOU and ONLY YOU.

So let's talk about where this lack of worthiness may have come from.

Maybe a story that your parents had about themselves or about you. Maybe it was a teacher or a coach or a family member. Maybe a shameful experience you had growing up that you decided you weren't worthy of happiness or the things you desire. Those stories weren't necessarily true but they served you at one point. They protected you. And now, they no longer do.

Because as you chose to embrace those stories, chaos, self-sabotage and disappointment became your normal. The struggle became what you expected and eventually it even felt comfortable. It’s what you knew.

And when things did go good, you believed they wouldn't last. Or as soon as they felt good, you felt vulnerable and hardened your heart again to protect yourself from being let down...again.

Now, as you desire to raise and educate your kids, have a loving, supportive partner/team and create a business that lights you up, you don't understand why it all feels so damn hard.

Well, first, you have to uncover those stories you made up all those years ago, shine a big giant light on those limiting beliefs you have about yourself and heal them from the root.

Then each day, you start to make small, tiny steps to reprogram those old stories and limiting beliefs. These small steps will become your new habits. These habits will support you in creating the life you truly desire - the one of ease and grace.

When I am feeling off my center, I break out my journal and write everything and anything that comes up. Or I might ask my higher self why I’m feeling funky or why I’m not getting the results I want. And I listen to that intuitive voice as I write it all down. After I hear the limiting beliefs and old stories surface, I reframe them into what I desire to be my reality...my new truth. My favorite way to reframe and reprogram my limiting beliefs is through affirmations.

For example, many years ago, that mean little voice in my head told me I was unlovable (and a bunch of other mean ass shit)….so, I spent a year reciting affirmations daily until one day that mean ass voice was GONE forever.

Here are some examples of how I use this daily tool which is now a habit:

Limiting Belief: “I’m not responsible enough to handle homeschooling and a business.”
Affirmation: “I am fully capable of pursuing and achieving anything I desire.”

Limiting Belief: “I’m broken. Something is wrong with me.”
Affirmation: “I’m whole, complete and perfect just the way I am.”

Limiting Belief: “I don’t have enough time to make this homeschooling entrepreneur lifestyle work. It’s impossible.”

Affirmation: “I have more than enough time to do all that is essential for my lifestyle to flow.”

All you have to do is decide to take back your power now! Are you ready? I know you are.

To get started on your new habit of reciting daily affirmations, grab your free affirmation audio exclusively for the homeschooling entrepreneur here >>> WTF to Zen in 10!

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