Be Do Have vs Have Do Be


Today I want to talk about the "BE DO HAVE" model.   Most of us operate from the "HAVE DO BE" model which is backwards!  Watch the video above to hear all the details about the "BE HAVE DO" model.

Most of us have things that we desire...goals etc.   And we often come from the perspective that we have to have the thing in order to be a certain way.  

Here are some examples:

***if I had the money then I could take the a successful person, coach, entrepreneur"

***if I had more clients I could hire more people and be more present for my kids

***if I had a better marriage, I would be a better wife, person and be happier

That perspective is actually completely the opposite of how manifestation and attracting the things that we desire to have works.

The correct model for manifestation of what we want works like this...

We have to take a hard, long look and willing take full responsibility for what is happening in our external world and...

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