Be Do Have vs Have Do Be


Today I want to talk about the "BE DO HAVE" model.   Most of us operate from the "HAVE DO BE" model which is backwards!  Watch the video above to hear all the details about the "BE HAVE DO" model.

Most of us have things that we desire...goals etc.   And we often come from the perspective that we have to have the thing in order to be a certain way.  

Here are some examples:

***if I had the money then I could take the a successful person, coach, entrepreneur"

***if I had more clients I could hire more people and be more present for my kids

***if I had a better marriage, I would be a better wife, person and be happier

That perspective is actually completely the opposite of how manifestation and attracting the things that we desire to have works.

The correct model for manifestation of what we want works like this...

We have to take a hard, long look and willing take full responsibility for what is happening in our external world and that it is only a reflection of what is happening in our subconscious mind.   

If things are not going your bank account, relationships, your health, business...these are indicators that there might be some sort of block or limiting belief going on in your subconscious mind.

You can take an audit of all the external experiences and the things that you have and that will tell you where you are with your subconscious beliefs.  

Once you are aware of what your subconscious beliefs are, then you have the power to shift and transmute those beliefs.

Let's take it one step further...

We know what the limiting subconscious beliefs are and you are ready to reprogram them.  So let's step into the BE DO HAVE model.  You don't get to have the thing and then be successful, it doesn't work that way. 

You have to already BE the person who knows that they are worthy and deserving and that they know that the things that they desire already exist.  You will be committed to being that person and making choices in alignment with that commitment.  The BE part is your identity...who do you need to be, what thoughts are you thinking, what are the beliefs that you need to have, and the characteristics that you need to embody as a person that has these things?

Then you are going to step into the DOing.  You are going to take actions that are in alignment and inspired by the things that desire.  Make a list of all the details of the thing you desire (in the video I used buying a house as an example).

Then you are going to step into the next part, the HAVE part.  You are really going to embody the feelings of already having what you want.  If you already have this, how are you going to feel?? Close your eyes and REALLY feel and visualize it...feel the emotions of gratitude in that energetic state.

This is a DAILY practice, all three pieces of this every day.  It's a practice of reprogramming and rewiring your need to do this daily and be consistent.

One more very important thing...when you do this, you need to be sure that you detach from the outcome.  Detach from the WHEN and detach from the HOW and step into the person that already has this and become her.  Do the things (inspired action) and then practice being in that feeling state.

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