How To Live Your Truth


Have you been wondering how to live your truth?

Watch the video above to learn all the details that I share in order to live YOUR truth.

For me, in order to live my truth, I had to be willing to be vulnerable, that was the hardest part for me.  Brene Brown's book, "The Gifts of Imperfection", has been a huge support around vulnerability for me.  Vulnerability requires bravery and courage in order to discover your truth.  It means letting go of the stories about who you are that are holding you back.


This is a process of peeling back the layers.  The more layers you peel back, the closer you get to your truth.  Then you get to show up, unapologetically as YOU!  But, also know that your truth can shift and adapt over time.  The important thing to remember is to start before you are ready!!  

This process can be really uncomfortable and your ego might fight it.  Sometimes you might have to (or get to) go back to an old version of...

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