Living From Your Center: A Path to Balance

Homeschooling Entrepreneurial Mama, I see you.

You desperately want to create balance, manage your time better, have time for your work, self, family, homeschool, household and more.

Your looking for the exact formula, plan, schedule or blueprint to show you how.

Despite there being hundreds of people who've already written that book, taught that course, created that planner….Your still not executing, are you? You’re still struggling with prioritizing your priorities, huh? Why is that you wonder? - Simply because you aren't telling yourself the truth about what you really want. In fact, you are denying it.

It's okay. We all do it. It’s not something to be shameful about. Part of you doesn’t even know that you're allowed to tell the truth about your most authentic desires.

The balance you crave is an inside job, my love. You won't find it in the scheduling blueprint, formula, roadmap or planner.

But you can start to cultivate the balance you crave TODAY....

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