Why Journal?

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2019

My husband asked me why I journal and when I told him, I said…”I need to write a post about this!” so here we go. 

Often I encourage my clients to journal. In my Back to Center program, I even have a whole habit building exercise in the Self-Care module on making journaling a daily practice. 

But I’ve never actually said WHY. I guess I just assumed we all knew why journaling was so crucial but then I realized that many of us have resistance to journaling. 

And maybe if you more fully understood the benefits, it would alleviate the resistance and get you into action on a life changing habit!

So here’s why I know journaling is a MUST-DO for success. 

I am someone who experiences intense emotions and feelings. I’m an intense person. And I’m good with that. That’s actually what makes me so passionate about what I teach and ultimately is one of my super powers. But I also had to learn to process my thoughts and feelings first before I addressed a super charged issue. This tool has allowed me to be so much more intentional about my life in general.

I use my journal for manifesting, healing, affirmations, processing, to-do lists, clarity in my business and life and more. 

I use my journal as a filter for my thoughts and feelings. It’s a safe place where I can dump all the thoughts in my mind. Even the childish, inappropriate, whiney, disempowered scared ones.

It gives me a visual of what’s going on in my head. And that is a powerful awareness to have. I get to ask myself hard questions. I get to be disappointed, angry, sad, etc. 

It’s a place where I can witness myself. 

Sometimes I feel crazy, bitchy, like a failure, raging mad...all the things.

Then I get to process it all…..without judgment from others (silent disapproval anyone?) or someone trying to fix me or blame me for my problems or without dumping all my shit on someone else when they weren’t ready or able to hear what I was going through. 

I can typically even bring myself back to center with the process I use as long as I’m ready.

Then when I share what’s been bothering me with others, I’m grounded and my conversations are soooo much more productive. The outcomes are more likely to be what I wanted. And I can do it more respectfully because I have already removed a lot of the energetic charge from my thoughts around the situation reducing my tendency to blame or belittle. 

We can get triggered AF throughout our days. The negative emotions that we experience stay held in the body and mind. If we don’t give ourselves permission to safely let them out, we end up EXPLODING. Sound familiar?

All the shit we’ve been holding in comes raging out on those we love or even some innocent bystander(s).

I refer to this as bleeding.

You see those triggers are actually wounds. Pain points in your subconscious that are not yet healed. And the outward lashing out is the pain bleeding onto others.

If you use passive aggressive angle or maybe you take little digs here and there, I call that seeping. You are allowing your pain to hurt others because you have to take FULL responsibility for your healing. 

Even if you were wronged by someone unfairly, it’s your job to heal those wounds. No one else can do that for you.

And on a soul level, you came into this life to learn these lessons.

When we shift our perspective to take radical responsibility for how we feel, we reclaim our power. 

And that is fucking POWERFUL. That affects change. That affects healing. That raises your vibration and ultimately the vibration of the planet. 

We all benefit from your healing but most importantly, YOU benefit. 

I hope this was helpful and you decide to pick up your own journaling practice or revisit journaling if you’ve gotten out of the habit. 

If you’d like support, we do plenty of journaling work in Back to Center. Check it out here to see if you are ready to make some next-level shifts in healing yourself. 

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