I don't have enough clients, time or money. Help!!!

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2019

Recently in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I answered a question about one of our members who has three businesses but still does not have enough clients, time, or money and what to do to solve this problem!

Here is my approach to working through this challenge:

  1. Are you supported?
  2. Are you clear on what you love doing, what you stand for, and what are your values?
  3. Do you have too many things on your plate?
  4. Are you committed to the things that you need to do to get what you desire?  
  5. Which of the businesses do you love the most?  DO that and once you are thriving in that business and then expand to the other businesses.
  6. What are your limiting beliefs and how can you reframe them?  Create affirmations with these reframes and use them daily!
  7. Visualize your current and future clients every day!

Watch the video above to hear how to reverse this common issue of not having enough clients, money, or time as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

Reach out and we can...

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Do I need XYZ before I can start my business?

business Mar 26, 2019

Recently in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I answered some questions around things that you need to do before you start your business.  

There is something that can happen when we compare ourselves to others that can paralyze us!  The thing is that you actually have to DO and get started in order to gain clarity. 

You need to start somewhere and not get hung up on what other people are doing.  Business as an entrepreneur is an experiment, it is flexible and you can always change and switch things up, nothing is set in stone.

In each step of the process of starting and growing a business you are learning something new!  That is where you evolve and grow as a business owner and a person and your strengths and skills present themselves to you.

I encourage you to start before you are "ready"!  You do not have to do X before you start.  You just have to decide what you want to do and do it!

Watch the video above to hear what I have...

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When You Are Feeling "Not Enough"

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I talked about feeling "not enough".  

 We are all doing so much and sometimes we drop the ball.  The result, is tremendous guilt and being really hard on ourselves.  You are not alone and you are STILL an amazing mom, homeschooler, wife, mom, entrepreneur and you can't be everything to everyone.

When we get to this place it often means that it might be time to set some stronger boundaries.  It means that you might need to delegate and share some responsibilities.

These fluctuations in emotions and moods are totally normal and you are more than enough.  You do not need to be more of anything to be enough and your value is not based on all the things you do.  Your value is based on your existence in this world.

Watch the video above to hear about these feelings of "not enough" and let me hold space for you as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

Reach out and we can keeping the...

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Why You Don't Have Enough time

time Mar 12, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I talked about why you don't have enough time.  

You don't have enough time because you are always saying that you don't have enough time!  This is a victim mentality.  When you say this it means that you are not prioritizing certain tasks in your life. 

You may have some resistance, fear, or limiting beliefs around certain things.  It isn't actually about the time.  You just need to take action!!

Watch the video above to hear about why you don't have enough time and how to overcome this limiting belief as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

Reach out and we can keeping the conversation going in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group. I'm here and we're all here to support you and help you on your path to sustainable success as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

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Motherhood trauma and why it's holding your business back.

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I talked about motherhood trauma and why it is holding your business back.  I have experienced motherhood trauma.  Motherhood trauma is a term that I came up with on my own, but it is basically those times and years of overwhelm and struggle in motherhood when you are simply in survival mode. 

Motherhood trauma for me looked like - in order to be the best mom, I over gave to my children.  This didn't allow me to have a solid foundation and heal my own wounds and existing relationships.  When you are in survival mode, you know there are issues that need to be worked on, but you have no idea how to make any progress because you feel like you are drowning.

Now that I am through that chapter of my life, I have practices in place that have allowed me to have a strong foundation and I have boundaries of what I will and will not give.  I learned how to put myself first and there is no going...

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Tears of Joy

Uncategorized Feb 26, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I talked about how thrilled I am with how well things are going for me this year.  Here are some key components that I attribute to I shifted from a life of struggle and suffering to a life of alignment and success:

1.  BE the person that has the life you want now!  Embody those characteristics.

2.  DO what that person would do!

3.  FEEL those feelings NOW!

Watch the video above to hear all the details about how to leave struggle behind and step into alignment as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

Reach out and we can keeping the conversation going in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group. I'm here and we're all here to support you and help you on your path to sustainable success as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

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6 Steps to Create Sustainable Success as a Homeschool Boss Mom

success sustainability Feb 19, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I discussed 6 steps to create sustainable success as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

The 6 steps that you must take for sustainable success include:

  1. Clarity - Getting crystal clear on what you want.
  2. Self care- Making you a priority.
  3. Mindset - Shift the way you view yourself, your productivity and your worth.
  4. Energy Management - Doing more of what you WANT to do will help you sustain your energy long term.
  5. Simplify your life - This includes your physical space, your schedule, your tasks, and your thoughts.
  6. Planning - Creating a plan that is simple and easy to use helps to set your intention into motion and allows the universe to manifest it into reality.

Watch the video above to hear all the details about how to create sustainable success as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

Reach out and we can keeping the conversation going in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group. I'm here and we're all here to support you and help you on your...

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Who do you need to be to create your ideal life?

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I  discussed who you need to be to create your ideal life as a Homeschool Boss Mom.

When I talk about who you need to be, I am really talking about mindset.  We often focus on what we need to do, as in action that we need to take, when in reality it is actually the thoughts in our conscious and subconscious minds that actually drive the actions that we take.  Before we can even get into the thoughts, we have to ask...who am I and what do I actually embody at a core level.

Some examples of these core ways of being include:

  • Being 100% committed to your goals. 
  • Taking full ownership and responsibility for your choices, actions, thoughts and beliefs. 
  • Being in integrity and accountable with yourself and others.
  • Embracing leadership and learning how to delegate, outsource and prioritize.
  • Confidence and resourcefulness.

Watch the video above to hear all the details about who you need to be to...

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Using What You Don't Want as a Way to Determine What You Do Want

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2019

In this recent video I recorded in my Homeschool Boss Moms Group, I  discussed clarity. I share a tip I use to lean into knowing what you do and do not want.  Here's a summary of what I cover. 

Make a list.  Fold a piece of paper in half and in one column you put what you don't want, what you don't like, what's not working, and you write all that shit down.  Once you make a list of the things that you don't want, then it's going to make it easier for you to make the list on the other side of what you DO want. 

This process allows you to clarify what you do want  and how you want to feel by getting clear on what you do not want and how you do not want to feel. This is powerful because we often think of the things that we should DO. We go straight for the action. It's really important to stay tuned into “how do I really want to feel”, because that's the place that we want to take action from to allow our...

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Why You Don't Have the Ease & Grace You Desire (& how to get it)

Do you wanna know the truth? If you don't, do not read this. I only know how to tell the truth.

The real reason you don't have a balanced life filled with ease and grace is because part of you doesn't feel worthy and deserving of it.

I know that sounds harsh BUT here’s the beauty in this….

You have the power to change your life. YOU and ONLY YOU.

So let's talk about where this lack of worthiness may have come from.

Maybe a story that your parents had about themselves or about you. Maybe it was a teacher or a coach or a family member. Maybe a shameful experience you had growing up that you decided you weren't worthy of happiness or the things you desire. Those stories weren't necessarily true but they served you at one point. They protected you. And now, they no longer do.

Because as you chose to embrace those stories, chaos, self-sabotage and disappointment became your normal. The struggle became what you expected and eventually it even felt comfortable. It’s...

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