I feel like I am on the verge of something epic...

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2019

I don't know exactly how to describe what is happening within me right now but what I do know is that it feels like a volcano is about to erupt. 

It feels like I am on the verge of something epicly huge and life transforming. 

And right now it looks ugly. Behind the scenes, there are a shit ton of tears for seemingly no reason. Which I know is just releasing old emotions, beliefs, etc to make space for what needs to come. 

I really want to go inward and hide out while I process. 

And at the same time, I want to get SUPER visible. Like more visible than ever. And it feels so fucking uncomfortable. 

So instead of hiding, I am committing to share my journey with you. Because as lightworkers and spirtual entrepreneurs, you too will walk this path - possibly multiple times as I have. 

My inner voice keep getting louder and it's telling me, 

"Share your truth. Tell your stories. Go deeper. Write." 

Just writing that brings me to tears. The sensation of telling my truth - my deeper truth - is fucking frightening. 

The things I want to say, need to say, are not the things your supposed to say. They aren't they things I was ever allowed to say. But I know it's time. 

I also know this process will be deeply healing and yet triggering at the same time. And what I have to say may be triggering to some of you. The things I have to say will make many of you uncomfortable. 

Yet, I have committed to telling the truth as I know it. My Human Design is a 3/5 or Martyr Heretic. It's literally in my DNA. 

So as I navigate this awakening into my next-level, I promise to offer myself so much grace and trust the process of unfolding knowing it is for my highest good as well as the highest good for you - the ones I am here to serve. 

And I know that this initiation is being presented to me as a step to more fully fulfilling my purpose of ultimately raising the vibration of the planet. For that is what I am here for. My soul accepted that mission when it chose to incarnate for this life. 

Thank you for witnessing me. 🙏

I love you all! 💖 - Cara

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